Image result for hello february clipart

Second term is moving right along.  This month, we will be completing the unit for fractions and decimals and we will start statistics and probabilities.  Also, we will  complete our final novel project: Our  pizza slice project for City of Ember using elements of stories.   Soon the class will be starting their science project for simple machines.

Monday, February 13th is Family Day, spend time with your family and have fun.  Also, Thursday, February 16th is class picture day.  All students must be in FULL uniform. Also, Monday,  

February 16  is 100th day, so our class will be celebrating for sure!  In addition, on the 14th we will show friendship and caring in  our classroom by exchanging friendship cards and candy grams!!




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On Wednesday, February 22nd we will wear our PINK shirts to say “BULLING STOPS HERE!”

À bientôt

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano 🙂

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