Grade 5 is almost over! It has been an exhausting couple of weeks.  The month started with Cohort Spirit Day and Freezie Days .


Later this month, we will have our annual Sports Day!!   In addition,  our class will be presenting our dance routines for P.E. and HEd  and our Reader’s Theater  plays.

Our last progress report for this school year will go out on  June 24th.

À bientôt, 

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano



À bientôt,

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano :)


April is on its way!!!  Our class has been extremely busy.  We created art for Vaisakhi and completed our Au Zoo French and Math project. Additionally, 5A has been working hard on their Educational Fair Projects which they will be showcasing on Wednesday, April 21.  Good luck !

April is also poetry month and our class  has been learning about poetic devices and  will start writing their poetry anthologies very soon. Everyone will show their poetic side.

On April 22 we will be celebrating Earth Day and the class will be generating an agamograph for this world event. 

Keep up the good work 5A.

À bientôt, 

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano  :)


Second term is on its way!  This month, we will be completing the unit for fractions and decimals and we will start statistics and probabilities.  Also, we will  complete our final projects for:science,simple machines, our novel ‘Holes’ , Le Carnaval de Quèbec and Indigenous Government.

February is Black History Month; learn about Black Canadians contributions. http://blackhistorycanada.ca/topic.php?id=158&themeid=7

 On February 12, we will show friendship and caring in  our classroom by exchanging friendship cards!! In addition, we will be  creating our annual lanterns to celebrate the Lunar New Year.  On February 18 is 100th day, our class will be designing our poster for the occasion by thinking of 100 things we are thankful for. 

Monday, February 15th is Family Day, spend time with your family and have fun.

On Wednesday, February 24 we will wear our PINK shirts to “Stand Up, to bullying” and “Lift Each Other Up”.Image result for anti bullying pink clip art

À bientôt

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano 🙂

Bienvenue 2021!

Welcome to 2021!! I hope everyone  had a safe and wonderful winter break; we all deserved it.

Our  first progress report will be going  out on January 21th.  Also, we will be starting fractions and decimals, Indigenous government, forces and machines, and we will be working on  our new novel Holes.


À bientôt,

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano:)

SALUT décembre!

Fall term is almost over.  Our class has been extremely busy collecting food donations for our for OUR annual FOOD DRIVE for the Surrey Food Back.  Additionally, students have started bringing in donation for our “Keep Warm Campaign”which runs December 2-11.

Holiday Spirit Week: December 14-18th!! 

On Friday, December 11 we have our Science workshop in the Langar Hall. Make sure you have your “thinking hats” on.

On December 17, the class will be participating in our Virtual Winter Assembly. 

In addition, the class will be having their end of the term celebration on  December 17/18.  We will be putting our gingerbread houses together… start bringing in your  kits and extra white icing/frosting  by Tuesday, December 15. Friday, December 18 is our last day before Winter Break.  

Stay safe 5A!

À bientôt,

 Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano

Bonjour November


This month starts with our  Interim Self-Assessment on Core Competencies  on November 4th, followed by Student-Led Conferences on November 6. At this time the class will be presenting their video portfolios to their parents.  We will also be having our  Remembrance Day commemoration on Tuesday, November 10th .



This month we will be completing our Levels of Government Unit  and our Communicable Illnesses Project.

À bientôt,

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano

Salut October!

October has already arrived. Our class has been getting use to being  5A this year. Everyone is working hard and looking forward to the rest of the school year.  This is a very busy month for us. The SA’s Kindness Campaign has started.  Let make sure we are all kind to one another everyday. Furthermore, our school will be taking part in the “Great BC Shakeout “, and in the election process by participating in a provincial mock election. Additionally, will get ready for picture day and our Cohort’s Halloween celebration. 

Keep your thinking hat on!!  



À bientôt.

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano 

Welcome to 5A!

Welcome  5A to a new school year. This page is designed to help students keep track of their homework, upcoming events,  important notices and to keep the flow of communication between students, parents and myself.

Our first week will be a  busy one. We will learn  our classroom’s safety protocol, expectations and rules.  We will go over our classroom schedule and we will talk and write about our summer holidays.  Also, we will set up our subject duo tangs and binder.  In week two,we will have our welcome back celebration  and our Meet the Teaching Night.



Virtual Meet the Teacher Night: Thursday, September 17 and Tuesday September 22 at 4:00 -4:45 pm.



À bientôt.

Ms. Henríquez-Zamorano 🙂